More important than food?
Two of the largest factors that affect how I feel and preform is my nutrition and sleep. I’ve found that quality sleep is highly underrated by most Peak Condition athletes. Most people know that food [...]
Signs of a good workout…
Two of the most common requests I get from new clients in regards to their workout is: I want to sweat and get sore. My typical response is something along the lines of this... [...]
Consistent success
Putting up big weight loss numbers isn’t easy, however it is achievable. On February 28th Anthony came into Peak Condition with a good friend of his, Travis (a long time PC client). Anthony went through [...]
Results, Faster!
It is your friendly Peak Condition intern here (me, Jonathan) posting on the blog! I'm attempting to make this post informative but not too heavy. Imagine the perfect workout. It would be quick, easy, and [...]
Choosing a Personal Trainer
If only it was this easy to know if a trainer was worth your time or not... I've literally seen this while visiting gyms all over the nation. Most commercial facilities will have a couple [...]
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